Biogroup is a private company constituted mainly by three areas, Laboratory, Engineering and Training.

Biogroup laboratories have the highest technology, the equipment is the latest generation with the capacity to perform the most complex field and laboratory analyses.

The laboratory is divided into different areas: Gas Chromatography, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology, Ecotoxicology and Biotechnology.

The wide range of capabilities allows Biogroup to offer a range of analyzes of different matrices such as water, industrial and sewage effluents, soil, air, gaseous emissions, air quality, hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste, occupational health studies, food , medicines and quality analysis of raw materials and finished products.

Biogroup is a leader in laboratory testing and monitoring services, with laboratories accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 and Quality Systems certified in accordance with ISO 9001. Certified by organizations such as OAA (Test laboratory accredited by the OAA with accreditation No. LE 251) , IRAM, COFILAB, OPDS, ASSAL, IQNet, ENRE, RELADA and ROLA.

The Engineering area is endowed with the necessary human resources and logistics to address engineering issues such as Hazardous Waste, Environmental Engineering, Superficial Water Resources Engineering and

Underground, Hydrogeology, Risk Analysis, Design and Construction of Industrial Effluent and Sewage Treatment Plants, Remediation of Environmental Liabilities and Contaminated Sites, Labor Engineering among others.

Biogroup has a Monitoring area with all the necessary and sufficient equipment to respond to the requirements of its clients. It has a fleet of vehicles dedicated exclusively to environmental and labor monitoring. The personnel in charge of monitoring receives permanent training, which makes the difference with other proposals on the market. Biogroup's area of influence goes beyond the Province of Santa Fe, monitoring extends to all provinces of the Country and neighboring countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia and Brazil.

The Biogroup Consulting and Training area, through in-company conferences and courses and in its Research Center, provides all the necessary and sufficient support for the resolution of the most diverse topics and issues that contribute to the best performance of the processes in the Industries and Institutions.

The Biogroup Headquarters is located in the heart of the City of Rosario, a few meters from the famous El Círculo Theater and the National Flag Monument. It occupies a beautiful property on 3 de Febrero street that a few years ago was declared "Historical Heritage" by the Municipality of Rosario.

Here the Biogroup staff carry out their research and development cabinet and laboratory activity.

Quality politics

Biogroup, Scientific and Technological Research Center, has implemented a Quality Management System, in accordance with the IRAM/ISO 9001 and IRAM-ISO/IEC 17025 Standards, in their current versions to provide testing services required by the industrial sector , commercial, public bodies, civil societies and individuals. BIOGROUP, through its management and through this policy, is committed to:1) Provide its clients with reliable and reproducible results, through good professional practices.2) Provide personalized attention to clients, seeking their satisfaction according to agreed expectations and requirements, including legal and regulatory requirements and the requirements and expectations of stakeholders other than customers.3) Ensure that your staff understand their responsibilities; is competent and impartial, is continuously trained and implements the procedures and methods established by the company.4) Facilitate the material and human resources that are necessary for the achievement of the objectives and the Continuous Improvement of the processes of the Quality Management System .Version 04 - 07/25/2019


Fully satisfy the needs and expectations of citizens and users of our service, by complying with our corporate values and applying the quality, environment and safety policy; adapting to new realities, surpassing and reaching new milestones in the field of applied research, energy and the environment.


Biogroup works and evolves to be one of the best positioned companies in the market, recognized for its work quality, efficiency of results, and a differentiated brand for its social responsibility, commitment, security and proactivity. Promoting skills of flexibility to take advantage of